Thursday, October 8, 2009


Only the 4th studio album from Tiësto, and does far from disappoint. It doesn't live up to Just Be, that brought him enough fame to get him a gig at the opening ceremonies at the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, Greece. This resulted in the album Parade of the Athletes, which found its way into gyms across the globe. Tiësto manages to put vocals and instrumentals in perfect harmony. There are a lot of DJs and groups out in the world that put very bad lyrics and vocals with good instrumentals, creating annoying songs, thus resulting in something like Cascada. From track one to seventeen you will be in an electronic audible heaven, the song I Will Be Here stands out only if you listen to the first few tracks, thought there is a goldmine of good B-sides that are more than likely to be remixed, though I see little room for improvement. All of Kaleidoscope can be streamed at Tiësto's official Myspace page.


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