The opening act was The Red Chord, which was going to be followed by Job For A Cowboy until they canceled, I have seen both before, and none compare to GWAR. I found this a little odd that those bands were opening for a band as epic as GWAR. Lights dimmed and the fans got exited, and a documentary started playing on a screen towards the back of the stage, "Behind the Murder". It told the story of the beginning of GWAR, Oderus's crack addiction, failed attempts to return to their home planet, split up, and reunion. I was not expecting this at all, and neither did the other that have never seen GWAR before.
The creatures then ventured on stage, then the show began. I the roar of the crowd was epic, this is what the fans had been waiting for, and now they were going to experience GWAR in the flesh. They were tall, their stage presence was bigger than the venue, they were gods.
After a few songs began what most enjoy about GWAR, spraying body fluids on the fans, particularly the ones in front. A creature stumbled on the stage, and the mighty Oderus stabbed him with a sword, and blood gushed then squirted out. I ducked to protect my camera, yet I was still not spared (I walked into the concert with a white shirt, I left with a green and red shirt). Looking side to side I saw other photographers doing the same I was. When I thought it was safe to pop my head back up I got a face full of blood. This was only the beginning of the show.
At most concerts, fans want the band to preform a specific song. GWAR fans want GWAR to preform a specific act, an on stage slaughter, and they got what they asked for. A creature was bound to a board, squirming around. As a human you can feel slightly sympathetic, however as a spectator you cannot help but feel entertained. Blood showered the crowd as limbs where torn off, and intestines pulled out.
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