Monday, December 14, 2009


This was the year that music sounded it's best. Please take into accoun that there are people that say similar things at the last month of every year.

The most accomplished musician this year has to be Lady GaGa, love her or hate her one must admit that she is talented. American Idol proved once again this year that it is pointless. Speaking of which I will now talk about Adam Lambert. At first I thought he was cute. I never heard him sing until that little stunt that he pulled at the American Music Awards, yes I saw the footage. The things that he did he should not be able to get away with and I'll tell you why. Wrong genre! The only people that can get way with humping dancers and kissing musicians is Marilyn Manson, and Adam Lambert is not Marilyn Manson, he may want to be, and I don't blame him for wanting to, but you can't violate people on national TV and sing bubblegum pop bullshit. I became angry with Adam after I saw the ad for his new album in Rollingstone magazine. So this would make Adam Lambert most idiotic musician of this year.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Angelspit!! LIVE!!

48 hours before I went to this show I didn't even know if I would be even able to see KMFDM, 2 hours before the concert I had no idea who Angelspit was, or sounded like. Good thing my companion did, and I met some one while waiting for the doors to open that started listening to them around the release of the Krankhaus album, after a while of talking to this guy I felt bad that I had fallen so far away from a genre I once loved so much. The door finally opened and I got in, bought a shirt (as I do at every concert I go to). I made in the main room then eventually up to the front of the stage, then eagerly waited for some one or something to go up on stage and start playing. The lights dimmed and the Aussies stormed the stage. They introduced themselves, and started their performance.

I liked what I heard, it was industrial, but it was also fun. One thing took note of is that Angelspit despite being a two piece industrial band doesn't completely rely on Backing tracks. Destroyx uses a Korg Kaoss Pad 3 for vocal distortion. ZooG uses what looks like homemade devices that he clips onto his pants. At the center of this electronic symphony is a box this buttons, plugs, lights, knobs, and a wheel,I have never seen such a thing in my life. In between songs ZooG would "play" with the box, thus producing an orgasm of electronic bliss,

The simplicity of the music, a fast heavy beat, and ingenious lyrics come together to create some thing that is truly unique. Songs like Kill Kitty and Fuck the Revolution are enough to make any one a fan within seconds.

After hearing Angelspit live first then hearing them again from a studio album, it is more than apparent that the amount of talent that both of these individuals have is unlimited, one could call them The White Stripes of the Industrial genre. Now when I think of Australia I no longer think of Men At Work and AC/DC, now I only think of Angelspit.

Now go listen to Angelspit!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

KMFDM concert review

If you want to have fun, and KMFDM is coming to a venue near you, I highly suggest that you go see KMFDM. The Kein Mitleid tour now at an end, but KMFDM shows no sign of stopping. This band has a stage presence that is almost unimaginable, it almost feels as if it dream. When Jules stood in front of me, I felt like I was five years old and I caught Santa leaving presents under a Christmas tree, however this Santa wore tight jeans, a Spittin' Cobras shirt, and had his hair slicked backed. I dont know how to say this with out being over joyed, so here it goes, Lucia grabbed my hand! Sascha stood tall behind his Korg microKontol, he was like a preacher, the crowd were worshipers, and the gospel was KMFDM. The audience was somewhat electrified, their fist raised in the air bobbing up and down to "the ultra-heavy beat". I got a little wild when I heard the beginning of WWIII, others did too. I feel bad that I can't say more about this concert, but words cannot describe this show, all I have left to say is that KMFDM is one of a hand full of bands that can put a terrific show night after night.


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Only the 4th studio album from Tiësto, and does far from disappoint. It doesn't live up to Just Be, that brought him enough fame to get him a gig at the opening ceremonies at the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, Greece. This resulted in the album Parade of the Athletes, which found its way into gyms across the globe. Tiësto manages to put vocals and instrumentals in perfect harmony. There are a lot of DJs and groups out in the world that put very bad lyrics and vocals with good instrumentals, creating annoying songs, thus resulting in something like Cascada. From track one to seventeen you will be in an electronic audible heaven, the song I Will Be Here stands out only if you listen to the first few tracks, thought there is a goldmine of good B-sides that are more than likely to be remixed, though I see little room for improvement. All of Kaleidoscope can be streamed at Tiësto's official Myspace page.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

GWAR Concert Review

The opening act was The Red Chord, which was going to be followed by Job For A Cowboy until they canceled, I have seen both before, and none compare to GWAR. I found this a little odd that those bands were opening for a band as epic as GWAR. Lights dimmed and the fans got exited, and a documentary started playing on a screen towards the back of the stage, "Behind the Murder". It told the story of the beginning of GWAR, Oderus's crack addiction, failed attempts to return to their home planet, split up, and reunion. I was not expecting this at all, and neither did the other that have never seen GWAR before.

The creatures then ventured on stage, then the show began. I the roar of the crowd was epic, this is what the fans had been waiting for, and now they were going to experience GWAR in the flesh. They were tall, their stage presence was bigger than the venue, they were gods.

After a few songs began what most enjoy about GWAR, spraying body fluids on the fans, particularly the ones in front. A creature stumbled on the stage, and the mighty Oderus stabbed him with a sword, and blood gushed then squirted out. I ducked to protect my camera, yet I was still not spared (I walked into the concert with a white shirt, I left with a green and red shirt). Looking side to side I saw other photographers doing the same I was. When I thought it was safe to pop my head back up I got a face full of blood. This was only the beginning of the show.

At most concerts, fans want the band to preform a specific song. GWAR fans want GWAR to preform a specific act, an on stage slaughter, and they got what they asked for. A creature was bound to a board, squirming around. As a human you can feel slightly sympathetic, however as a spectator you cannot help but feel entertained. Blood showered the crowd as limbs where torn off, and intestines pulled out.

Sex, extraterrestrials, homicide, comedy, talent, blood and other body fluids makes this concert unlike anything else. You have not seen a concert until you have seen GWAR. This is by far the best concert I have seen.

Friday, October 2, 2009

"Space Man says 'Everybody look down'" The Killers Concert Review

I went into the USF Sundome expecting to see a normal concert, not any thing out of the ordinary. The opening act was called "Chairlift". They kinda drove me to sleep, the only thing that held my interest is that I thought that the lead singer was Bjork and I was playing Bejeweled. Then I went down to buy some Vitamin Water only to find out that it was priced at $8, my jaw dropped, and I did not get Vitamin Water (that is more than it cost at the airport).

Then the lights went out, the and people did what they do best when the lights go out in a venue. They loose all control of staying quiet. The stage lit up and there they were, The Killers. The stage was lit up like Christmas, and of coarse was a little reminiscent of the Las Vegas strip. Brandon Flowers (lead singer) was at the top of his game, he sounds better live than in studio, which seems to be rather rare. I can only say that this is one of those concerts that is worth much more money than you will ever pay. It's funny when you go to a show not knowing any lyrics and leave knowing all of them. If you ever have the chance to see The Killers, don't hesitate to buy tickets.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tyger Beat

No it's not the magazine of decades ago! It's much better! This is a local two piece band. Composed of two lovers and nothing like the White Stripes. Tyger Beat brings some thing to the table that hasn't been heard in years by any one that dips their head past the mainstream music scene. I could call it Daniel Johnston meets Glenn Danzig, but all I can really say is, brilliant. The lyrics are true to a young generation of any era, thus making them damn near timeless. I can not help but love the sound quality of the recordings, which is very bad, though it adds quite a bit of character.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

GWAR, Lust In Space Album Review

If you like metal but don't like GWAR, there is something wrong with you. They may be from the 80's, though they will never be out of style. If you have never heard of GWAR get your hands on an album or two and get ready to have your ass kicked by some wicked lyrics and some sweet rhythms. Lust In Space is the 10th album from GWAR from beginning to end its awesome track after awesome track. This album has everything one that one would expect from a GWAR album and more. This is the kind of album that you play in the car while in traffic, it just makes problems go away. I strongly recommend that people buy this album, it's the most fun that you will have listening to music outside a concert.

Lust in Space gets a 5 out of 5

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Breathe Carolina, Hello Fascination Album Review

For some that have never listened to Breathe Carolina, Hello Fascination might be an acquired taste, especially if your not used to some screamo with a good electronic beat. This is the second album from Breathe Carolina, and not the last. The clever lyrics and simple use of a synthesizer will amaze the average listener. From track one to five is nothing but good songs, but after that it tones down on quality, in the last few tracks I found myself struggling to listen. This album reminds me of a Tootsie pop, nice and sweet on the outside, but at its core just before you finish it off, really mediocre chocolate, you still eat the chocolate, but you know damn well there is better chocolate out there.

Hello Fascination gets 4 out of 5

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cobra Starship, Hot Mess album review

This album has been much anticipated by those that follow Cobra Starship, however this album falls short of expectations half way into the album. I found myself going to the next track thirty seconds into a song. The only track that makes this album even worth mentioning is Living In The Sky With Diamonds. When I heard that this album was coming out, I thought I was being promised a good album. This album is only for those that love Cobra Starship, go to high school, and go to Warped Tour every year. If you can't tell that I don't like this album, then you need to read this post again! This album is not worth buying.

2 out of 5

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RIP Les Paul 1915 - 2009

His name is known by all guitarist around the globe. With out him music would be very different today. He was just not only a mast of the guitar, but some one that improved it. His innovative designs are manufactured by Gibson and used by many famous artist, such as: Frank Zappa, Pete Townshend, Eric Clapton, Slash, Jimmy Page, and many others. The music community today mourns for the loss of a legend.

His website gave the news today in one simple statement, "The World has lost a remarkable Innovator and Musician".

He will be missed.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Behemoth Evangelion Review

Yesterday Mayhem Festival came to Tampa, FL. The main attractions were Slayer and Marilyn Manson. The smaller stages provided a more personal touch than the larger main stage. On one of these stages a Polish band called Behemoth preformed, I was front and center. They came out with full makeup, looking as if they were of another world and another time. Powerful lyrics in every song they put out, like these seen below from the song Christians To the Lions.
"Rise me! rise me high!
Lead thru the gates ov sun
Rise me! rise me high!
Where angels do not dare to fly
Invite to feast ov gods
And let me drift away
Leave flames ov infamy
And watch me kiss the stars"

After banging my head for a while I decided to go buy their new album Evangelion. After listening to it I can only say that it does not disappoint, the only thing that would make it better is seeing it being preformed live. This album is an example of what should be playing on the radio, and what should be on MTV at five in the morning (the only time they play music videos).

The name of the album is Evangelion, the band is Behemoth! Go listen to it!

5 out of 5