The duo is back and going in a different way that is still very much Indie. They are back with there second album, Congratulations. If you are looking for anything Ocular Spectacular in this album, there are a few things but not many. Congratulations has had a few issues keeping itself out of the radar until the release date, due to it being leaked and shared all across the Internet. MGMT released this statement on their website soon after, “Hey everybody, the album leaked, and we wanted you to be able to hear it from us. We wanted to offer it as a free download but that didn't make sense to anyone but us”. MGMT now has full streaming of the album on their website.
Congratulations starts off at a slow pace compared to the last album, but it functions more like a book, starting off slow, then the climax near the end, and then two chapters to tie everything leaving the listener content, and immediately starting from track one. Congratulations maybe best to listen while in complete darkness. Some tracks are hypnotic, especially Siberian Breaks. Unlike Ocular Spectacular, not every song is an instant favorite. I found that three tracks on the album can be little a hard to listen to, with songs that are much longer than most are used to hearing. Though followers of MGMT should be nothing less than thrilled with Congratulations, which is due out April 13th.