Five years ago I remember waiting in line at Borders with what would be the last CD I would ever buy, it was Demon Days. I had been anticipating the release after receiving my first gen iPod Shuffle (which was released in Jan '05) after discovering Gorillaz while searching for things on iTunes.
The new album is Plastic Beach, which doesn't sound to inviting, but alluring enough to get some one to pick it up and look at the other side of the CD case if it is to be spotted in FYE. Name aside this is a great old school, chill album featuring Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, and many more. This album, like the other Gorillaz albums, is very different.
Everything starts out slow and does not pick up until the third track and 2D is not even heard until the fourth song. Then everything flows seamlessly. This album is not for the typical listener, its very experimental and old school, though if you love some electronic beats and tolerate some rap you will love this. You can see the video for the song Stylo here.