Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Small thought on Dubstep.

This has been a fantastic year for music, sadly American Cinema did not have much success, though that is besides the point. In this past year Dubstep has gained mainstream recognition, however there is still much digging America has todo to uncover good Dub. I found that English Dubstep seems to be superior to American dub, check out some of the UKF tracks. They have this other element that seems to be missing from the American scene.

However what i find more interesting is that there is an opposition to Dubstep, the same clubs/bars that play it on a Friday mainly just in Skrillex and Bassnectar remixes nothing pure Dubstep in nature. Though a Saturday night is Dubstep free. Another thing that I have noticed is that Dubstep only seems to be popular among an under 21 crowd. So Dubstep may drive up the attendance of 18 and up clubs, but its driving out the main clientele (+21) of nightclubs. This genre of music has came a long way, but this is the true test! Will it be as good as it is when the main listening group becomes of drinking age and Dubstep can create revenue not just for its self but for bars. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Justice went in a completely different direction with this one, makes me wonder if it will be accompanied with a live album just as good as the last. Audio, Video, Disco is new ground for this band, somewhat less electronic than Cross, but more Electric in nature. The track Ohio seems to hypnotize me every time I listen to it, while Horsepower and New Lands has me driving like I am on the  Nordschleife in Germany. So I will spend my days speeding on the interstates of this great land speeding to get to the parking garage before 9pm to go to my favorite bars, listening to this great album all the way.